1. What is Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ)?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on ground fighting and submission techniques. It emphasises leverage and technique, allowing smaller individuals to overcome larger opponents.

2. How many days a week should I train?

Two times a week is a great start when getting into BJJ. It will give you enough repetition to develop muscle memory in the techniques, while allowing your body enough time to recover between sessions. 3+ sessions a week is when people start see vast improvements. With all that being said once a week is better than nothing.

3. Do I need a specific level of fitness before I start training?

No. Whilst general base level of fitness is always going to be beneficial, there is not much you can do to prepare for BJJ. It can be intimating to step on the mats for the first time, but rest assured we will be able to cater training to your needs in a safe and friendly environment. 

4. Will my kids learn submissions?

Little kids (3-5yr old) will not be learning any submissions, but rather playing jiu-jitsu focused games. Older kids 7 and up will start learning submissions, with an emphasise on applying them smooth & slowly and NEVER outside of the training room.

5. My child has anger problems. Is learning a martial art the best thing for them?

It may sound counter intuitive, but often times learning a martial art can be the best thing for them. It will be able to give them an outlet for these emotions, as well as teaching them to work in a team and to be humble in defeat. We often get stories of parents seeing a positive change in their children after only a short time of training BJJ

6. How do I cancel or put my account of hold?

Just send an email to info@p1jj.com.au giving us 14 days notice and we will make the arrangements.